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Broad & Mechlin Street




The Government of Liberia in 2006 embarked upon an ambitious program to reform the public sector ministries, agencies and commissions to make them leaner and more focused to perform their core functions by eliminating duplications and overlaps, in line with international best practices. In furtherance of this reform agenda, the Government decided to consolidate the core public finance, economic management and development planning functions into a single agency called the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) as well as to establish the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) to ensure all functions of revenue collections and management are optimized. The new structure will ensure the devolution and transfer of transactional and sector related management activities currently undertaken by the Ministry of Finance to line ministries.

Over the last several months, the Government of Liberia high-level Steering Committee created by the President in early 2011 and supported by a team of highly experienced organizational and institutional experts from the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), the Governance Commission and the Law Reform Commission, as well as an independent communications firm, worked assiduously with the Governance Commission and key focus persons from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, wherein series of consultations were held with the public and private sector pertaining to the draft Acts of the MFDP and the LRA. This FAQ addresses key issues and queries arising out of these consultations. It also provides answers to other concerns that might not have been captured during the consultations.

1. What is the MFDP?        The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning is a completely new ministry created by an Act of the National Legislature in September 2013 to consolidate the core public finance, economic management and development planning functions of Government.

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Core Values

Transparency: Simply making information available is not sufficient to achieve transparency. At the MFDP, we act visibly, predictably and understandably to promote participation and accountability.

Accountability: We ensure that ALL individuals within the MFDP are answerable for all of their actions, and that there is redress when duties and commitment are not met.Integrity: A strict adherence to moral and ethical principles is encouraged, with ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CORRUPTION!!!

Service orientation: Ensuring timely, courteous and customer-focused consistent delivery of services, the MFDP remains in icon of service delivery.

Effective Communication: The Ministry ensures an efficient and effective communication process where messages are delivered promptly in a well-articulated manner to the intended audiences.

Innovation: Harnessing new ideas, tools and technologies, the MFDP brings innovation and value to service delivery.

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About MFDP

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, or MFDP for short, was created in 2013 by an Act of the National Legislature, in line with international financial management best practices. The new MFDP effectively replaces the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs, with the mandate to formulate, institutionalize and administer economic development, fiscal and tax policies for the promotion of sound and efficient management of financial resources of the government.

As custodian of the country’s economy, the MFDP combines public finance, development planning and economic management expertise and experience to effectively manage the economy.


  14189 Hits

Fourth Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

Fourth Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

  1211 Hits

Third Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

Third Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

  1123 Hits

Third Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

Third Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

  1001 Hits

Third Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

Third Quarter Public Debt Report FY2017/18

  1056 Hits

Resident Advisor for National Accounts

Resident Advisor for National Accounts

  1025 Hits

National Counterpart to the International ITAS Advisor

National Counterpart to the International ITAS Advisor

  778 Hits

FY2016/2017 Annual Development Assistance Report

FY2016/2017 Annual Development Assistance Report

  942 Hits

The Liberian Government and the World Bank signed US$15M Health Financing Agreement for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in Liberia

Minister Kamar Madam Larisa Leshchenko 2According to a Ministry of finance and Development Planning release, the signing of the Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE2) Project will provide the needed opportunity for Liberia to operationalize lessons learned from the recent disease outbreak in Sinoe County.

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  930 Hits

The Liberian Government and the World Bank signed US$15M Health Financing Agreement for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in Liberia

Minister Kamar Madam Larisa Leshchenko 2According to a Ministry of finance and Development Planning release, the signing of the Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE2) Project will provide the needed opportunity for Liberia to operationalize lessons learned from the recent disease outbreak in Sinoe County.

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  697 Hits

The Liberian Government and the World Bank signed US$15M Health Financing Agreement for collaborative disease surveillance and epidemic preparedness in Liberia

Minister Kamar Madam Larisa Leshchenko 2According to a Ministry of finance and Development Planning release, the signing of the Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE2) Project will provide the needed opportunity for Liberia to operationalize lessons learned from the recent disease outbreak in Sinoe County.

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  999 Hits

Private School Teachers will receive Ebola Trust Fund Salary

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning declares that resources have been secured through the Ebola Trust Fund to underwrite the cost of one-off payments to private school teachers.
According to a Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) release, all Private Schools are required to have accurate Personnel Payrolls Records for April 2014 and May 2014, and that of April 2015 and May 2015 at their institutions as auditors from the Internal Audit Agency (IAA), will visit schools premises anytime during the payment period.

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  2448 Hits

Policy Analyst for Modeling (1 Position)

Policy Analyst for Modeling (1 Position)

  1635 Hits



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Mission & Vision

To be a dynamic and efficiently managed institution of public finance, economic management and development planning to achieve sustainable economic growth and transformation.

MISSIONThe Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) is established to promote inclusive, sustainable growth and development through:• Efficient resource allocation• Equitable wealth distribution• Prudent financial management• Integrated development planning• Well coordinated economic management• Formulation and implementation of sound fiscal and economic policies

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Latest Press Release

25 July 2024
Press Release
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia's Acting Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Anthony G. Myers, has urged all state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to align their corporate strategies with the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development across the countr...
24 July 2024
Press Release
Monrovia, Liberia — The Liberian-Swedish Access Driven Rural Development Program (LISA) has extended its project by two years, moving into the third phase of the initiative....


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