March 24, 2025, Liberia: The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Honorable Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan is today leading a High level joint monitoring Team comprising the European Union Head of Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Nona Deprez and partners, to commence a five (5) day site visit to Buchanan and Greenville Cities, aimed at monitoring the implementation of the Rural Electrification Programme Prioritizing the Southeast of Liberia, commonly known as “Light Up South-East (LUSE) Project.”
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has emphasized the urgent need to reprogram and redirect certain projects that are not yielding the desired returns, particularly in light of the recent reduction in USAID aid.
Monrovia, LiberLiberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has expressed optimism for the nation’s future despite the ongoing global economic challenges.
Liberia's Finance Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and Deputy Minister for Economic Management Dephue Zuo met with the Diplomatic Corps, led by UN Resident Coordinator Christine N. Umutoni, to discuss the impact of the USAID aid freeze and measures the government is implemenring to address the situation. UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Umutoni presided over the meeting.
Ganta, Nimba County - The Government of Liberia through the Climate Change office at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has commenced a weeklong capacity-building training on Climate Change and Climate financing.
Monrovia, Liberia – The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has issued a strict directive to government spending entities to "prioritize their priorities" as the scarcity of resources remains a significant reality.
Liberia’s finance minister says the cancellation of a $17 million USAID-sponsored project and other projects in the country will have a direct and indirect impact on the country’s development. Augustine Ngafuan says USAID was Liberia’s second largest donor besides the World Bank, financing projects in health, education, agriculture, and elections. But Minister Ngafuan tells VOA’s James Butty,
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has described the World Bank as Liberia’s “biggest multilateral partner.
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