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'’ National Development Agenda and framework papers is key for National Growth"-Says Deputy Minister Flomo


Monrovia, Liberia -The Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Hon. Augustus J. Flomo says National Development Agenda and frame work papers in partnership with United Nations and Developments partners is key for national growth when all parties are involved with actions and implementation.

He made the disclosure at the launch of the ongoing stakeholders and development partners first Joint Sectorial portfolio review meeting in partnership with the United Nations and Development Partners on Monday June 19, 2023 at the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ministerial complex oldest Congo town.

The goal is to assess the country's program from Fiscal year 2018 to 2023 in terms of projects implementation, project completion and associated constraints as well as to foster a better coordination between the Government of Liberia and Development Partners Country Offices in Liberia, and to encourage partnership approach to development through joint strategies in accordance with international best practices.

Minister Flomo thanked all development partners for their continuous support toward Liberia development agenda across various sectors of the economy including Health, Energy, Agriculture, climate change, Education and Human resources development.

According to him, the first joint review today marks a big movement in all development cooperation journey, looking at critical development issues we want to change, where are on some of those issues and how to position them for the future.

‘’ The first joint review today marks a big movement in all development cooperation journey, looking at critical development issues we want to change, where are some of those issues and how to position them for the future’’ he explains

"However, let us always reflect on our development mission by thinking on driving development for inclusive and sustainable growth and development. Currently we are not looking for literature text book where many of us have read all the text book, it is now for the action part", he added.

He noted that all stakeholders and actors need to come on the table to build a robust framework paper, put serious actions to it and are able to change Liberia's story from better to excellent.

Thanks to the United nations and development partners for their continuous support whenever we are in need, they come to our rescue. United nations are always ready to support government development agenda and are flexible to realign program for development.

For her part, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ms. Christine N. Umutoni extended thanks to the government for organizing such event and said this dialogue is a big milestone towards better coordination for development cooperation in the country because it brings actors across all sectors.

According to her, it is refreshing to have all partners across the table more importantly to see the government in the driver seat. The review is an importing part of the implementation of the national development plan as is expressed in the actions for prosperity and development.

However, this portfolio review will complement the ongoing work we are doing in the government at different level and the important of national ownership of the development agenda with a strong critical coordination for transparency.

‘’To review will complement the ongoing work we are doing in the government at different level and the important of national ownership of the development agenda with a strong critical coordination for transparency’’ she added.

The week-long review seeks to facilitâte a high-level policy and program dialogue to review the performance of each budget sector, identify gaps, issues and improve on the implementation of agreed programs in the sectors under Development Partners funded initiatives and the interlink with Government.

To improve coordination in DPs’ financed programs/projects and to provide a forum for exchange of experiences and information across all sectors.

To strengthen AMCU’s ability to provide effective aid coordination through enhancement of data collection towards “Liberia rising 2030”.

To discuss sectoral achievements and future collaboration meant to improve development cooperation.

The ceremony is currently ongoing with the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Ms. Christine N Umutoni, Development Partners, EU, USAID, AFDB, Word Bank, the Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Hon Augustus J. Flomo, Civil Society Organizations, Government Ministers, Directors, and special secretariat team set up from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning along with United Nations and is expected to climax on June 28, 2023.

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