Monrovia, Liberia - The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Honorable Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan is today leading a High level joint monitoring Team comprising the European Union Head of Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Nona Deprez and partners, to commence a five (5) day site visit to Buchanan and Greenville Cities, aimed at monitoring the implementation of the Rural Electrification Programme Prioritizing the Southeast of Liberia, commonly known as “Light Up South-East (LUSE) Project.”
The High level joint monitoring Team which will also include various Stakeholder in the Energy sector and Contractors are determine to ensure the people living in southeastern cities of Buchanan, Greenville and Barclayville get access to reliable and affordable electricity for economic viability, development and prosperity as being funded by the European Union.
The field trip monitoring assessment team, which is taking place ahead of the rainy season, is part of the Government and EU efforts to fast track progress of the Light Up South-East Project. The team, during the working assessment
visit, will engage local authorities, stakeholders as well as beneficiaries including the media to reemphasize the importance of the project, its benefits to the people of the South-East and the need for citizens to commit to supporting the project contractors for its smooth implementation.
The implementation of the LUSE Project is the Government of Liberia’s reaffirmation of its commitment to prioritizing rural electrification which is a catalyst for socio-economic development, while it is one of the European Union’s (EU) support to Liberia’s energy transition in alignment with the country’s national developmental goals.
The Project is to further enhance energy infrastructure, promote economic growth, and improve the quality of life for thousands of Liberians by extending electricity to underserved rural communities.
Prior to the Team’s departure, Honorable Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, Minister of Finance and Development Planning, indicated that, "Expanding access to electricity in rural areas is a crucial step toward economic transformation and social development.
This partnership with the European Union represents a strategic investment in Liberia’s future, ensuring that communities in the Southeast are not left behind in our national development agenda. The ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development"
Similarly, Her Excellency, Nona Deprez, Ambassador/Head of Delegation, European Union Delegation to Liberia, reaffirmed the EU’s dedication to Liberia’s energy transition, noting,
“we count on all involved to work effectively together within the project timelines as the people in the intervention areas need electricity now. I am also hopeful that the Government will settle all resettlement action plan and relate issues in a timely manner
According to the project stakeholders, upon the full completion of these projects, an estimated Twelve Thousand and Fifty-Four (12,054) customers will be connected on both single and three-phase pre-paid meters in the City of Buchanan City with the installation of an estimated Eight Hundred and Twenty- Five (825) led streetlights; while another Four Thousand Three Hundred and Forty-four (4,344) households will be connected in the City of Greenville as well as along the forty-three (43) kilometer route of said transmission line from the two (2) megawatts, a Mini Hydro Power Plant will be constructed on the Sinoe River Rapids to Greenville, and the installation of an estimated two hundred (200) led streetlights.
n addition to this electric power, the City of Greenville had initially been energized by an Eight Hundred and Fifty (850) Kilowatts Solar Power Plant in Murrayville, near Greenville, with a supported backup generator of Eight Hundred and Twenty (820) KVA.
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