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Government of Liberia Begins National Development Plan Consultations Across Liberia


Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministries of Finance and Development Planning, and Internal Affairs, with support from the United Nations and the Government of Sweden, have initiated District and County Consultations for crafting Liberia's National Development Plan.

This initiative encompasses the County Development Agendas and the "ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development," aimed at guiding Liberia's progress from 2025 to 2029.

The consultations commenced nationwide on Monday, July 22, 2024, with teams comprising consultants from local firms Subah-Belleh and African Development and Management Associates (ADMA), alongside technicians from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

Stakeholders being engaged include local chiefs, women, youths, individuals with disabilities, and students, with the primary objective of gathering their insights and aspirations for Liberia's future.
President Joseph Nyumah Boakai formally launched the development of the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development on July 18, highlighting critical components such as the Public Sector Investment Plan (PSIP) and the fifteen County Development Agendas (CDAs).

According to the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, these consultations are pivotal in fostering collaboration with stakeholders to ensure a cohesive vision for Liberia's future.

The District Consultations will run until August 13, followed by County Consultations scheduled from August 8 to August 15. This structured approach aims to facilitate inclusive participation in shaping Liberia's developmental goals.

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