Monrovia, Liberia - Through the Fiscal Decentralization Unit at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, the Government of Liberia will, on Saturday, March 15, 2025, begin an assessment of county service centers across the country.
The GoL delegation, headed by Deputy Minister for Fiscal Affairs, Hon. Anthony G. Myers, and supported by the Comptroller & Accountant General, including Dr. Romeo D.N. Gbartea, Director of the Fiscal Decentralization Unit, will also identify new facilities to host additional county service centers.
The two-week exercise is expected to commence in Greenville, Sinoe County, and move to other counties, including Maryland, Grand Gedeh, Lofa, RiverGee, Rivercess, Gbarpolu, Cape Mount, and Bomi, Grand Kru, Nimba, Margibi, Bong, Grand Bassa, and Montserrado County.
The assessment is geared towards institutionalizing fiscal decentralization as a government function in which there is a transfer of revenue and expenditure responsibilities in the counties.
Also, during the assessment, the teams will identify logistics to be provided for the treasuries, availability of facility to host the county treasury; create awareness on the importance of the county treasury as well as identify the five counties IFMIS automated mechanism, including investigating the challenges faced by current treasury and design strategies to prevent occurrences in the six counties.
The County Treasury Framework (CTF) is a fiscal decentralization framework that promotes fiduciary functions that are carried out by ministries, agencies, and commissions (MACs) in counties other than Monrovia.
It can be recalled that the revenue sharing regulations established the basis for county treasury framework to be in the fifteen sub-national structures gradually.
Currently, there are only four treasuries: Bong, Grand Bassa, Margibi, and Nimba, and these treasuries need to be fully functional with all MACs performing their functions.