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PFMRCU launches Ambassadorial Reforms Dialogue Series with Chinese Ambassador, H.E. Ren Yesheng


Monrovia, Liberia - The Ambassadorial Reforms Dialogue Series (ARDS), initiated by the Public Financial Management Reforms Coordination Unit (PFMRCU) late last month is to allow selected Countries' Ambassadors near Monrovia the opportunity of sharing the processes, challenges and benefits of reforms from their countries’ perspectives. These dialogue series as expected will provide officials and technicians of government an insight and also serve as a pathway in developing and aligning our national development priorities based on effective service delivery and best practices.

The first in the series of the ARDS (May 25th, 2022) was held at the Chinese Embassy in Congo Town and was attended by Directors, Deputy/Assistant Ministers, Consultants, and Technicians from the Ministries of Finance and Development Planning, Health, Education, Public Works, Foreign Affairs, MICAT, Liberia News Agency, the Media and Civil Society Organizations.

The ​Chinese Ambassador, H.E Ren Yisheng presented on, “China Reform and its Enlightenment”. During the presentation, the Ambassador shared views on the secret and enlightenment of China’s successful reform and opening-up. His presentation focused on three thematic areas:

  1. The Main Course and Achievements of China’s reform and opening-up

China’s reforms and opening-up can be roughly divided into four stages: The Initiation and Target Exploration Stage which was from the 3rd Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 1978-1991; The stage of the initial establishment of the socialist market economic system framework from 1992 to 2002; The third stage of further improving the socialist market economic system from 2003 to 2011. During this period, China abolished agricultural tax, animal husbandry tax, special product tax, etc.; and the stage of comprehensively deepening the reform from 2012 to date.

  1. The Successful Experience and Enlightenment of China’s Reform and Opening-up

H.E iterated that firstly, China adhered to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party over reform. That the fundamental reason for the success of reform and opening-up lied in the leadership of the Party. Secondly, China adhered to the people-centered philosophy. The great course of 40 years of reform and opening-up had always revolved around seeking happiness for the people, which is mainly reflected in strategic arrangement. Thirdly, China mobilized all positive factors. This is a valuable experience accumulated over 100 years of the Chinese Revolution. Fourthly, the firmly seize of the focus of reform. Over the past 40 years, China’s reform has always been focusing on the reform of the economic system. Lastly, was the emancipation of the mind and exploration encouragement. A history of reform and opening-up is a history of constant emancipation of the mind and innovation.

  1. Strengthen the Exchange of Experience in the State Governance, and Carry Out Win-win and Friendly Cooperation between China and Liberia

H.E Ren Yisheng narrated that China firmly supports and practices multilateralism, and fraternal friendship and pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa and China and Liberia. He added that has been and will continue to be to be Liberia’s good friend. H.E expressed that under the leaderships of President Xi Jinping and President George M. Weah, China and Liberia have steadily advanced pragmatic cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, infrastructure construction, agriculture, education, people-to-people exchanges, and public health, with fruitful results, by docking the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD)

He noted that in 1978, the GDP/Capital of China was estimated at $150.00 far less than most African Countries. But today, the GDP/pc has increased astronomically $10,500. One of the key success of the Country’s reform has been to emancipate the minds of the people and encourage exploration. China today manufactures more than 30% of the world’s goods, and represents 18.6% of the World’s GDP. As the second largest economy, China has eliminated poverty at 91% (Goal Two of the SDGs) ten years ahead of time.

Comments from Ministers and Directors attending the first series of the ARDS expressed their thanks and gratitude to the Chinese Ambassador for showcasing how China, one of the poorest countries has become the second largest economy in the world.

The ARDS will provide officials of government the opportunity of sitting under the voices of selected ambassadors accredited near our capital with the objective of learning from them on how reforms have helped shaped their countries towards peace, security and economic development.

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