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MFDP Launches Pre-VAT 3rd Stakeholder Engagement Dialogue


As part of efforts to boost tax revenue and enhance transparency, accountability and development across the fifteen counties, the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning in collaboration with the Liberia Revenue Authority held a VAT pre Launch 3rd Stakeholder Engagement Dialogue at the Mamba Point, Hotel in Monrovia with theme: "Paving the Way for a Smooth VAT Implementation".

Speaking at the opening Assistant Minister for Revenue Tax Policy at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Ojuku Nyenpan, said the

VAT stakeholder Engagement Dialogue is part of ongoing Value Added Tax (VAT) pre implementation activities that are being undertaken by the Government of Liberia.

" This Dialogue series is part of the VAT pre Implementation and roll out plan and it aims to engage the various stakeholders within the process". He added

Minister Nyenpan thanked USAID for funding the dialogue. He said the dialogue provides a platform for stakeholders to ask questions, raise issues and concerns important to them and support the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, LIberia Revenue Authority and relevant Government of Liberia Authorities in their plans to improve tax policy and administration outcomes of Liberia.

As a demonstration of its commitment He said the Government of Liberia in collaboration with development partners, has undertaken several initiatives toward the pre implementation of VAT, including the development of a VAT policy paper, draft VAT implementation plan, and the draft VAT law.

The Government of Liberia under the ECOWAS Regional Fiscal Integration Program, and in an efforts to fix the limitations of the current goods and services tax regime has committed to the adoption of the VAT as a replacement of the GST.

The dialogue was attended by members of the Liberia Business Association, Owners, Retailers, Wholesalers and Manufacturers as well as representative from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and the Liberia Revenue Authority.

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