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LIMPAC/MFDP Boosts Enrollment at University of Liberia - Provides L$2M as Financial Aid to ULSU and other Campus-Based Organizations

DTwehconfirmationDSC 0071Monrovia, Liberia - In its continuous effort aimed at supporting human capacity development in the country, the Liberia Macroeconomic Policy Analysis Center (LIMPAC) at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has contributed more than LD$2 million to support financial aid schemes of the University of Liberia Student Union ULSU and other campus-based organizations at the state-owned University of Liberia for the ensuing semester of academic year 2018/2019.

The donations were made last week between July 2-5, 2018 in checks payable to the University of Liberia in favor of the scholarship and financial aid listings of the University of Liberia Student Union (ULSU) and two other campus-based organizations.

In providing this latest support to the students, LIMPAC’s Executive Director Mr. Del-Francis Wreh thanked Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr., Minister of Finance & Development Planning & Chairman of the Board of Management of LIMPAC for approving increment in the support to ULSU from L$500,000 in the past semester to L$1,350,000, demonstrating his true desire toward the pro-poor agenda of the Government of Liberia.

Mr. Wreh emphasized that the support to campus-based organizations’ financial aid schemes is intended to benefit several hundred economically challenged students, and the support is a demonstration of government’s relentless commitment to supporting the students’ educational pursuit.

The LIMPAC Executive Director also welcomed recent reforms by ULSU, committing to periodically publish the names of the donors and beneficiaries of their scholarship and financial aid program to ensure accountability and transparency.
Mr. Wreh also called on other campus-based organizations with similar financial aid schemes to adopt the transparency initiatives of ULSU to ensure that only truly economically challenged scholars and students benefit from the financial aids. This according to the LIMPAC Executive Director will ensure that no scholar is left behind.

During the presentations, LIMPAC ‘s Executive Director also assured the students’ leadership of Minister Tweah expressed desire and commitment to institutionalize Government’s support to the financial aid programs at the University of Liberia through the National Budget as the Government of Liberia strives to improve the economy to reduce the hardship faced by the students, their parents, and sponsors.

The Executive Director also promised to collaborate with ULSU, especially the Economic Students Association within the areas of joint research studies, primary data collection and validation, internship programs for graduating senior, etc.
Meanwhile, the LIMPAC’S Boss has disclosed that the vision of LIMPAC and the Finance Ministry under the stewardship of the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr. was to expand financial aid schemes as well as the requisite technical support to various institutions of higher learning in the country.

The LIMPAC’s boss also challenged the leadership of other universities student associations to partner with LIMPAC in developing and implementing doable academic and professional programs that support productivity within the student community.

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