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Enforcement of Standing Human Resource Management Policies and Regulations Regarding Payroll Processing


To: All Ministries, Agencies & Commissions

Pursuant to the Standing Orders of the Civil Service and the Budget and Fiscal Policies of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, several regulations governing the management of personnel transactions, including pay, shall be observed by all spending entities and enforced by the Civil Service Agency and the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning beginning Fiscal Year 2022. These relate to the processing of personnel actions, including the filling of vacancies and the making of pay adjustments.

 Filling Vacancies

According to Section 1.2.1 of the Standing Orders of the Civil Service, “It is the CSA’s responsibility to ensure that all vacancies in the Classified Civil Service are filled by officers who are properly qualified. Whenever vacancies occur, Agency Heads must notify the CSA, giving full details and indicating whether the position is temporary or permanent. When a position is to be filled by a newly created (original) appointment, or by a promotion, anyone being considered for the position must first have been certified as eligible by the CSA.” In addition, Section 3.2.1 states that “All appointments to the classified Civil Service of the Republic of Liberia shall be channeled through the Civil Service Agency, there shall be no exceptions. The Agency shall conduct all recruitment examinations and certification for employment in classified positions”

Processing Personnel Transactions

In this regard, and in compliance with Section 1.2.5 of the Civil Service Standing Order regarding the management of personnel records on all classified civil servants throughout their career, which are maintained within the Civil Service Agency (CSA), the CSA and the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning (MFDP), through the Department of Budget and Development Planning, are fully reinstating and plans to intensify the use of the Personnel Action Notices (PANs) for the processing of personnel actions, beginning FY2022, as required by law.

Therefore, pursuant to the above, the CSA and the MFDP wish to inform spending entities of the following for the execution of the FY2022 Budget:

• All forms of changes to the active automated payroll, including new employment, termination of employment, direct replacement, promotion, salary upgrade or adjustments, will be effected through the Personnel Actions Notice (PAN) system, managed by the Civil Service Agency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

• Completed PANs for the current fiscal year will be effected onto the active automated payroll system after the approval and passage of the Draft FY2022 Budget by the National Legislature.

Accordingly, all spending entities are required to take note of these changes and ensure that change requests to their payrolls are processed in advance in accordance with required procedures for the processing of Personnel Actions Notices.

For information on the processing of Personnel Transactions, please contact the CSA via:

0777755251 / 0777577960 / 0770545482 / 886161313

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