Monrovia, Liberia - The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Honorable Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan is today leading a High level joint monitoring Team comprising the European Union Head of Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Nona Deprez and partners, to commence a five (5) day site visit to Buchanan and Greenville Cities, aimed at monitoring the implementation of the Rural Electrification Programme Prioritizing the Southeast of Liberia, commonly known as “Light Up South-East (LUSE) Project.”
Monrovia, Liberia- Finance and Development Planning Minister Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has hailed the arrival of two senior forensic experts from FTI Consulting as a significant step in President Boakai's fight against corruption.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning Minister, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has emphasized the urgent need to reprogram and redirect certain projects that are not yielding the desired returns, particularly in light of the recent reduction in USAID aid.
Monrovia, LiberLiberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has expressed optimism for the nation’s future despite the ongoing global economic challenges.
Liberia's Finance Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and Deputy Minister for Economic Management Dephue Zuo met with the Diplomatic Corps, led by UN Resident Coordinator Christine N. Umutoni, to discuss the impact of the USAID aid freeze and measures the government is implemenring to address the situation. UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Umutoni presided over the meeting.
Ganta, Nimba County - The Government of Liberia through the Climate Change office at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has commenced a weeklong capacity-building training on Climate Change and Climate financing.
Professional Summary
Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan is a Liberian national. He was born on April 7, 1970 in Monrovia, Liberia. He is a financial expert, a diplomat and an international development practitioner whose professional career and public service span more than 20 years. His leadership style consists of consultative engagements, innovative strategy development, effective leveraging and delivery on core performance mandates under stressful and evolving circumstances.
Education & Professional Training
Ngafuan obtained his high school education from the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) where he graduated as Valedictorian with a diploma in Accounting in 1989.
Monrovia, Liberia – The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has issued a strict directive to government spending entities to "prioritize their priorities" as the scarcity of resources remains a significant reality.
Liberia’s finance minister says the cancellation of a $17 million USAID-sponsored project and other projects in the country will have a direct and indirect impact on the country’s development. Augustine Ngafuan says USAID was Liberia’s second largest donor besides the World Bank, financing projects in health, education, agriculture, and elections. But Minister Ngafuan tells VOA’s James Butty,
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has described the World Bank as Liberia’s “biggest multilateral partner.
Monrovia, Liberia – The National Steering Committee chaired by His Excellency Joseph Nyuma Boakai today endorsed the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID) and the 15 County Development Agendas (CDAs).
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, is set to hold a National Steering Committee (NSC) meeting to endorse the National Development Plan( NDP).
Monrovia, Liberia: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has completed a two-week mission to Liberia, reviewing critical issues related to the country’s Extended Credit Facility (ECF) program. The mission, which focused on assessing the progress made since the approval of the ECF in September, was marked by productive engagements between the IMF team and the Liberian government.
Date: November 19, 2024
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Charles Gbenyon Conference Room, Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism (MICAT), Monrovia
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance & Development Planning (MFDP) is pleased to announce that the Minister of Finance & Development Planning, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, will address the regular press briefing hosted by the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism (MICAT) tomorrow, November 19, 2024, at 12:00 PM. During the briefing, Minister Ngafuan will provide detailed information on the draft national budget.
𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐥 𝐇𝐢𝐥𝐥, 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐚 - His Excellency President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. earlier today, presented the Fiscal Year 2025 Draft National Budget to the National Legislature in the amount of US US$851.8 Million (comprising Core Revenue of US$833 Million and Contingent Revenue of US$18.8 Million) to the Presiding Officer of the House of Representatives through the Chief Clerk.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning Minister Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan says the ultimate goal of the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development is to improve the economic and human development indicators of the people.
The unit ensure a professional and result oriented relationship with the donor community thereby improving aid effectiveness and harnessing transparency, with the GoL playing more leadership role in the management of external aid and other resources.
The unit is responsible to produce periodic reports and policy papers on external assistance ensuring a regular and timely dissemination of such reports to stakeholders.
Conduct evidence-based research to inform the design and implementation of public policy that promotes sustainable economic growth and development in Liberia.
Play advisory services to the Minister of Finance and other departments within the ministry of Finance and Development Planning and provide capacity support to government functionaries to improve resource allocation and service delivery through sound economic and public financial management.
Conduct capacity building and support training needs for public sector employees.
Partner with key data-generating institutions to collect, validate, update, and publish socioeconomic data at the administrative district levels of Liberia to facilitate and increase independent research studies on Liberia.
Registration and Accreditation: The Unit handles the registration and accreditation of all NGOs operating in Liberia, ensuring they meet legal and operational requirements.
Projects Verification: The Unit is responsible for project verification implemented by NGOs to ensure alignment with Liberia’s development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Coordination and Collaboration: It coordinates with various government ministries, agencies, and development partners to facilitate effective collaboration and avoid duplication of efforts between NGOs and the government.
Capacity Building: The Unit provides technical support and training to NGOs, helping to strengthen their operational capacity, enhance their programming, and align their work with national priorities.
Policy Advisory: The Unit contributes to policy formulation regarding NGO activities and development strategies, providing insights and recommendations to ensure a cohesive approach to national development.
The National Authorizing Office represents the Government of Liberia in all operations financed from the European Development Fund managed by the European Union.
Buchanan, Grand Bassa - Deputy Finance Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) Hon. Bill McGill Jones has expressed his satisfaction with the significant achievements of the Public Financial Management Reform for Institutional Strengthening Project (PFMRISP) implemented across the government. The initiative, Minister McGill Jones said, follows the Integrated Public Financial Management Reform Project (IPFMRP) and has been rolling out for the past five years.
At IMF/ World Bank Meetings
Washington DC: On the sidelines of the 2024 Annual Meetings of the World Bank/ International Monetary Fund, Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has called for an increase in the employment of Africans at the World Bank.
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia's Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan departs Liberia for Washington DC this weekend as head of government delegation at the upcoming annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, which will be held from 21- 26 October 2024
Monrovia, Liberia - The Liberia Football Association (LFA) has announced the appointment of Deputy Finance and Development Planning Minister for Administration, Bill McGill Jones, to the Lone Star Men Football Team Mobilization and Fundraising Committee.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, is committed to transparency and accountability by publishing internal and external development assistance programs and projects for the first time on the Liberia Project Dashboard.
Monrovia, Liberia, September 19, 2024 - ln a significant step towards inclusivity, participatory, and equitable development, the Government of Liberia will hold a two-day consultative meeting with persons with disabilities (PWDs) from September 19-20, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Women Center in Gbarnga, Bong County.
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia's Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has expressed the need for robust development cooperation to drive the economy and foster growth across all sectors.
In addition to the circular memo of August 29, 2024, the MFDP and CSA will also the following measures:
Mr. Chairman and members of the Ways, Means, Finance, and Budget Committee, I come in genuflection to the Almighty God, the Omnipotent, the Omniscient, and the Omnipresent, who has made this day possible. I lift profuse thanks to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai for the faith he has reposed in me by nominating me to lead our nation's fiscal house. I thank the leadership of the Honorable Liberian Senate, the Chair and members of the Ways, Means, Finance, and Budget Committee as well as the entire Liberian Senate for giving me this opportunity to discuss the vision I intend to pursue if confirmed for the position of Minister of Finance and Development Planning.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, has partnered with Subah-Belleh Associates, a local Liberian firm to develop a five-year development plan referred to as the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID).
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministries of Finance and Development Planning, and Internal Affairs, with support from the United Nations and the Government of Sweden, have initiated District and County Consultations for crafting Liberia's National Development Plan.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning through the Reform Coordination Unit has climaxed a three-day working session on the Public Financial Management Strategy and Action Plan.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), along with the Ministries of Mines & Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Public Works, has signed a contract to enhance the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities in Sinoe County.
Monrovia, Liberia – The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP), in collaboration with various ministries, agencies, and key stakeholders, held discussions today to launch consultations for the upcoming national development plan.
Monrovia, Liberia: Boima S. Kamara, Liberia's Minister of Finance and Development Planning, is urging international partners and allies to remain dedicated to supporting the country's development efforts.
Monrovia, Liberia - The government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning (MFDP), and the world bank have signed two separate financing agreements worth 80 million us dollars.
Monrovia, Liberia - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation, led by Daehaeng Kim, will conclude its mission in Monrovia this weekend.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) Minister, Hon. Boima S. Kamara, has apologized to the Plenary of the House of Representatives for what the House described as his persistent refusal to respond to their invitations.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has announced several new measures aimed at improving working conditions at the Ministry.
Monrovia, Liberia - The mission of the International Monetary Fund is visiting Monrovia to assess the possibility of providing financial support under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF). Speaking at the start of the engagements on Monday, June 24, 2024, at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, IMF Mission Chief Daehaeng Kim DK said he is excited to be in Liberia as part of the assessment of the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) for the country.
Monrovia, Liberia - A high level delegation from the International Monetary fund (IMF) led by Daehaeng Kim DK visits Monrovia from June 24 to July 5, 2024 to negotiate the Extended Credit Facility (ECF)/New Country Program.
Ganta, Nimba County - Liberia’s Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning, Hon. Tanneh G. Brunson, has emphasized the importance of an inclusive consultative process across all counties in Liberia to achieve a comprehensive National Development Roadmap for the country.
Monrovia, Liberia - President Joseph Nyumah Boakai on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 commissioned several officials of government. Amongst those commissioned were five officials of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. The Finance Ministry officials commissioned at the ceremony were: Deputy Minister for Fiscal Affairs, Hon. Anthony Myers; Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning, Hon. Tanneh Brunson; Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Hon. Dehpue Zuo; Deputy Minister for Administration, Hon. Bill McGill Jones and the Comptroller and Accounting General. Hon. Elwood Nettey.
Monrovia, Liberia - Deputy Finance Minister for Fiscal Affairs Anthony Myers has singled out fiscal decentralization as a stimulus to the implementation of the National Policy on Decentralization and Local Governance.
Monrovia, Liberia - Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning, Hon. Tanneh G. Brunson says achieving sustainable development, addressing key challenges and maximizing available resources are key in the implementation of the ARREST Agenda.
Nairobi, Kenya - Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning has challenged the African Development Bank (AfDB) to improve its financing model.
Nairobi, Kenya - The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Boima S. Kamara, on the sideline of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Annual Board Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, held a bilateral meeting with the Canadian Ambassador to the African Union, H.E. Mr. Ben Marc Diendere.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning through the Department of Comptroller and Accounting General has concluded a validation of the 2010 Chart of Accounts in Kakata, Margibi County.
Monrovia, Liberia -TThe Ministry of Finance and Development Planning officially rejects reports by Spoon FM that the contractual agreement between the Ministry and RoviaGate Technology, LLC, represented by Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Oliver Wleh Klark, Jr. was influenced by " kickbacks" received by officials of the Ministry.
The contract included the annual update and implementation of the budget management system for Fiscal Year 2024.RoviaGate Technology, LLC is a 100 percent Liberian-owned core integrated solution information technology (ICT) firm duly registered under the laws of the Republic of Liberia. The Ministry unequivocally states that the contract for the execution of the project was in strict adherence to the regulations of the Public Procurement and Concession Act of 2010.
The Finance Ministry discloses that the project had three options. According to the project document, the first option proposed that “the estimated cost for this project is US $220,000.00 (two hundred and twenty thousand USD) with an expected turnaround time of two (2) weeks after receipt of payment.” However, under the second option, the company put the estimated cost of the project at $200,000.00 (two hundred thousand USD) with an estimated turnaround time of four (4) weeks after receipt of payment.
The third option states that “the estimated cost for this project is US $180,000.00 (one hundred and eighty thousand USD) with an expected turnaround time of eight (8) weeks after receipt of payment.”
The justification for selecting the second option of $200,000.00 (two hundred thousand United States dollars) was based on the four-week (4) turnaround period provided by the vendor and the pressing need to resubmit the draft budget to the legislature, as well as to facilitate the configuration, upgrade, and maintenance services for the Budget Management System to produce the Budget Book for Budget Fiscal Year 2024 (January 1, 2024–December 31, 2024).
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning terms as false and misleading that Minister Boima S. Kamara is battling unspecified medical condition which is adversely affecting his management of the Fiscal House.
Mr. Dehpue Y. Zuo: Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. Prior to his appointment, he directed the National Telecommunication Information and Administration (NTIA) at the Tohono O’odham Community College in Arizona, USA. Formerly Co-founder and Executive Director of Partnership for Sustainable Development in Liberia (PSDL), a non-governmental institution focused on macroeconomic policy, development policy and planning, and the domestication and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) interventions in Liberia.
He served as Deputy Minister for International Cooperation and Economic Integration, and Assistant Minister for International Cooperation and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia respectively. Macroeconomist/Policy Analyst with the Liberia Macroeconomic Policy Analysis Capacity Building Project (LIMPAC), Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs and served on the Board of Trustees of two colleges in the Republic of Liberia - Liberia International Christian College and Nimba County University.
Mr. Zuo is a development practitioner, with interest in economic and social development policy research and analysis. He has worked on several economic development policy documents in Liberia. He holds Master of Science degrees in Applied Economics (2022) and Economic Development (2007) respectively, from the Southern New Hampshire University, New Hampshire in the United States of America (USA). He also obtained Master of Arts degree (2005) in Community Development from North Park University, Illinois, USA. He did his Bachelor of Science in Economics (2001) at the University of Liberia. Mr. Zuo is married with six children and two grandchildren.
Monrovia. Liberia - Confirmed statistical facts presented by the government of Liberia on Friday, May 17, 2024 at a special press briefing held at the Ministry of Information Culture Affairs and Tourism show that the government of Liberia achieved a combined 74 percent of its promised deliverables in its first hundred day in office.
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia Acting Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Anthony G. Myers has urged all 108 spending entities across government to provide technical details, policies context and practical implementation mechanism for FY 2024 approved budget execution going forward.
Liberia’s Deputy Minister for Economic Management at the Ministry of Finance, Hon. Dehpue Zuo has urged citizens of Grand Bassa County to own development as ownership in order to enhance domestic resource mobilization for improved service delivery across the county.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning through the Office of the Comptroller and Accountant General made submission of the Government’s Annual Consolidated Financial Statement for FY2023 to the office of the Auditor General and the 55th National Legislature of Liberia.
The Government of Liberia will tomorrow make significant stride in its electrification expansion efforts as GoL and European Union breaks ground tomorrow May 3, electricity generation and distribution facilities.
The project is intended for the construction of two separate 33KV electricity distribution networks in the cities of Buchanan and Greenville, respectively.
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Regional Integration, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Bakri Nyei urged ECOWAS National Technical Committee to identify quick win and tangible projects that will impact lives of community citizens through the ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation Support Program (ECBCSP).
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has categorically denied calling for project proposals under the so-called MFDP/Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) project.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Assistant Minister Designate for Expenditure, Hon. Dede Sandiman at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning says a strong Public Financial Management, Fiscal Management and Budget Implementation across spending entities will lead to growth and development.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning informs the public that there is absolutely no entrepreneurship program at the ministry.
We would like to extend our warmest wishes to Muslims in Liberia and around the world celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr.
As you mark the end of Ramadan, it marks a new beginning for all Muslims and a reason to celebrate.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Bill McGill Jones, has applauded Muslim staffs of the Ministry for successfully observing a month of fast in obedience to the Islamic faith.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Economic Management Team of the President Joseph Nyumah Boakai’s government has held its first meeting. The meeting which was convened to discuss key issues affecting the economy with the aim of finding the appropriate remedy was held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.
-For Non Compliance of Annual Financial Statements Submission for FY2023
The Comptroller and Accountant General of Liberia, Hon. Elwood T. Netty, has directed that the March 2024 salaries of Comptrollers of 2024 be placed on “HOLD” for “NON-COMPLIANCE” in submitting their annual financial statements for FY2023. The annual financial statements of various governments spending entities should have been submitted to the Office of the Comptroller and Accountant General on or before March 15, 2024.
Monrovia, Liberia - Hon. Tanneh G. Brunson, Liberia Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning joined the United Nations Resident Coordinator, Madam Christine N. Umutoni, to launch a robust multi-disciplinary technical support to the National Development Plan called the ARREST agenda.
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Deputy Finance and Development Planning Minister for Fiscal Policy, Hon. Anthony Myers has expressed strong commitment to the Boakai’s administration to service the government’s domestic and external debts.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Sweden has approved approximately US$400,000 (Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars), as financing for the completion of Liberia’s National Development Plan as well as the 100-days deliverables of President Joseph Nyumah Boakai.
Monrovia, Liberia, March 20, 2024 – The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) wishes to inform the esteemed NGO community in Liberia of ongoing technical issues with the NGO Online Accreditation Platform. The Ministry assures all stakeholders that necessary measures are being taken to address these challenges promptly.
Deputy Finance Minister for Economic Management, Hon. Dehpue Zuo has expressed optimism regarding the “ARREST Agenda” of President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, taking the country to the “finish” line of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2030.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning on Thursday March 14, 2024 submitted the revised draft National Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 in the amount of USD 692.2M (Six Hundred Ninety-Two million, Two thousand) to the 55th National Legislature.
The Government of Liberia and the World Bank Mission has concluded a week-long meeting geared towards strengthening the Public Financial Management System across spending entities of government.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia and the African Development Bank have signed a $40 million loan agreement for the Mano River Road Development Transport Facilitation Phase 1 project. The agreement aims to enhance road infrastructure and boost intra-community trade in the Mano River Union area.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Tanneh G. Brunson, has emphasized the importance of gathering useful information from all Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions to positively influence President Joseph Nyuma Boakai's 100 days' deliverables plan nationwide.
Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Boima S. Kamara says farms to market roads are key under the ARREST Agenda of President Joseph Nyumah Boakai.
Monrovia, Liberia - February 22, 2023: Finance Minister Hon. Boima S. Kamara has provided a candid assessment of Liberia’s economic landscape, emphasizing the urgent need for strengthened partnerships including international collaboration to address the challenges ahead.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning through the office of the Comptroller and Accountant General is calling on all government entities to acknowledge and uphold the Public Financial Management Law of Liberia, regarding the suspension, transfers, reassignments, and dismissals of Comptrollers and Accountant staff in Liberia.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Boima S. Kamara is calling on the International Monetary Fund to help identify national issues confronting macroeconomic stability to improve the livelihood of Liberians across all sectors of government.
Monrovia, Liberia – The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) has issued an official directive to all governmental agencies to submit their current or dummy payrolls by the 10th of every month for thorough scrutiny and necessary adjustments. This proactive measure is part of the government's commitment to improve fiscal management and ensure the punctual disbursement of salaries to all government employees.
Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister has admonished employees at the MFDP to work harder to build a new MFDP.
Monrovia, Liberia - In an ambitious move to reinvigorate Liberia's economy, the Finance Minister Honorable Boima Kamara has told the Liberian Senate about a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering a robust economic environment through the promotion of 'Made in Liberia' initiatives.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning representing the Executive Branch of the Liberian Government, on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, submitted the Fiscal Year2024 Draft National Budget in the amount of USD625.57M (Six Hundred Twenty-five million, fifty-seven thousand), to the National Legislature through House of Representative Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers.
Monrovia, Liberia - During the early morning hours of Wednesday, October 25 2023, fire gutted one of the offices on the third floor of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.
Monrovia, Liberia -The Deputy Minister for Economic Management, Hon. Augustus J. Flomo says National Development Agenda and frame work papers in partnership with United Nations and Developments partners is key for national growth when all parties are involved with actions and implementation.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia and the World Bank have signed a US$ 65 million loan for Resilient Recovery Stand-Alone Development Policy Financing.
According to the Agreement, the program is aimed at supporting the Government of Liberia's efforts to promote resilient recovery through the two pillars of: (i) laying the institutional and policy foundations in selected growth-supporting and resilience-enhancing sectors; and (ii) promoting transparency and accountability in the public sector.
Furthermore, the reforms under the first pillar seek to improve resilience to shocks and conditions for inclusive growth through the development of an effective mechanism to manage food reserve stocks to strengthen food crisis preparedness planning, bolstering of domestic revenue mobilization, and improvements in the road sector efficiency and governance and the quality of land administration systems. The second pillar seeks to promote transparency and accountability in the public sector, with a focus on improving debt transparency and strengthening the country's procurement systems and anti-corruption framework.
Additionally, the operation will also support efforts aimed at addressing debt vulnerabilities under the sustainable development finance policy.
Liberia's Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah, Jr, signed on behalf of the Government of Liberia, while World Bank's Country Director for Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, Dr. Pierre Laporte, signed on behalf of the Bank.
On June 14, 2023, in the presence of the French Ambassador to Liberia HE Mr. Michaël ROUX, Minister of Finance and Development Planning Honorable Samuel D. TWEAH, and AFD Country Director Christophe COTTET, signed an 8.8MEUR (approximately 9.5 MUSD) grant financing agreement to support the economic empowerment of people living in vulnerability in rural areas.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning, Hon. Tanneh G. Brunson on Wednesday May 31, 2023, urged all Graduates from the College of Business and Public Administrations to always develop critical skill sets in various disciplines.
The Government of Liberia and the African Development Bank on Thursday May 19, 2023, signed a grant agreement in the amount of US$ 3.9 million for the upgrade of the Central Bank of Liberia payment infrastructure system to strengthen its primary data center recovery sites.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah Jr, says regional integration is critical for transformation across Africa, especially among neighbouring countries to include Liberia, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and others.
Monrovia, Liberia January 30, 2023. The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) and the Civil Service Agency (CSA), is pleased to announce the completion and release of the Special Compliance Audit of the Central Government Payroll by the General Auditing Commission, covering the period 2019-2021. The Government of Liberia extends its appreciation to the World Bank for financing the special compliance audit of the payroll and to the GAC, for successfully executing it.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia and World Bank Liberia Country Office on Thursday, January 26, 2022, signed two financing agreements in the amount of USD50 Million.
The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), over the weekend climaxed Region II national Value Added Tax (VAT) awareness in Grand Gedeh County
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, under the astute leadership of Hon. Samuel D. Tweah Jr., as Minister, including his hardworking and energetic Senior Management team of Deputies and Assistant Ministers, as well as, the entire workforce conveys messages of best wishes to His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia,
Monrovia , Liberia:- In the wake of the tragic accident involving Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah, Jr., his wife, Madam Delecia Tweah the driver and security officer, the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) is pleased to inform the general public that Minister Tweah and everyone involved in the accident are stable and responding to treatment.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia through the Department of Economic Management at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning has concluded a separate joint National Portfolio Review held with Development partners.
Monrovia, Liberia - On Tuesday, November 22, 2022, the Government of Liberia and the Republic of France, represented by the Agence Francaise de Development (AFD), signed US$ 1.2 million as a grant financing agreement geared towards an ongoing scholarship program.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Department of Budget and Development Planning at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, on Thursday October 6, 2022; held a one-day Public Investment Management Policy Development Stakeholders’ Consultation at the Corina Hotel, in Sinkor, to develop a public investment management policy for Liberia.
Monrovia, Liberia - Comptrollers and Accountant General, Hon. Janka A. Kowo, including four staff from the Ministry of finance and development Planning, were over the weekend certificated following a training on Local Currency Bond Market Development.
Government, through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning and the Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA), over the weekend climaxed the first of several planned phases of the national Value Added Tax (VAT), awareness in Bomi and Bong Counties; and it is being supported by the World Bank.
Cross section of citizens and civil society organizations from Montserrado, Nimba and Grand Bassa Counties are pleading with the government to prioritize the improvement of basic social services.
Monrovia, Liberia - Acting Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Hon. Patience Kollie-Lawson has said the government of Liberia considers civil society organizations as important partners for development, especially through the dissemination of information across the country.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia through the Department of Economic Management at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, has launched a one-stop shop online platform to enhance the accreditation and registration process of non-governmental organizations in the country, on August 18, 2022.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning, Minister Hon. Samuel D Tweah, Jr has described the European Union as one of Liberia’s true and trusted partners in the energy sector.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Government of Liberia (GoL) and the European Union (EU), will on Tuesday August 16, at 10am, commission the newly constructed Congo Town Electricity Substation, which will enable the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) to address the increasing electricity demand in Monrovia.
The Assistant Minister for Development Planning, Hon. Benedict Kolubah says Superintendents and County Officers should decentralize knowledge sharing for results in the implementation of the national development Plan.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Deputy Minister for Budget and Development Planning, Hon. Tanneh G. Brunson says participating Ministries and Agencies should focus on the most important and impactful interventions for the preparation of the 2023 national budget.
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance and Development through Acting Deputy Minister for Administration, Hon. Patience Kollie Lawson on Monday August 1, 2022, received a donation consisting of 10 boxes of Mobiola mobile phones from the J&E Doxxbet sports online betting company.
On the auspicious occasion which marks the 175th Independence Day Celebration of the Republic of Liberia on July 26, 2022; the Minister of Finance and Development Planning Hon. Samuel D. Tweah Jr., Deputies, Assistants, Directors and employees of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning extend warmest congratulations and best wishes to His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces; the Vice President Her Excellency Chief Dr. Jewel Howard Taylor; the Honorable Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers and members of the National Legislature, The Chief Justice and members of the Judiciary, Employees of Government and the peace loving people of Liberia.
The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning through the Department of Comptroller and Accountant General over the weekend Climaxed a two-week of robust awareness on Public Financial Management in Margibi and Grand Bassa counties.
Monrovia, Liberia - Finance and Development Planning Minister, Hon. Samuel D. Tweah Jr, has said the government of Liberia remains committed to fiscal transparency.
P. O. Box 10 - 9016
Broad & Mechlin Street
1000 Monrovia