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GoL Renews Commitment to Development Agenda, Despite Ebola

Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance & Development Planning assures Liberians and our development partners that every measure is being taken to maintain macroeconomic stability, and ensure effective management of the economy during this difficult period as our country experiences the crippling socioeconomic impact of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD).

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World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim arrives in Liberia on December 2; reassures commitment in Ebola response

kim-WbMonrovia, LiberiaWorld Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim arrives in Liberia on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 to further strengthen the Bank’s continuing response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Dr. Kim will meet President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and senior officials of the Liberian Government.

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  2581 Hits

Minister Konneh dedicates new National Authorizing Office building

Ribbon CuttingMonrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister on Tuesday was joined by the Head of the European Union delegation in Liberia to officially cut the ribbon, dedicating the new National Authorizing Office (NAO) on the grounds of the Executive Mansion on Capitol Hill.

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Liberia: Konneh Reports On Ebola Trust Fund for October

AMK-MICAT EBOLA6957Monrovia, LiberiaFinance and Development Planning Minister Amara Konneh has disclosed that as at October 31 the Ebola Trust Fund received a total of US$14.282 million for the fight against the Ebola disease.

Konneh said of this amount, the Ebola Trust Fund has disbursed US$8.387 million to and on behalf of various government entities.

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  2674 Hits

‘Assist Liberia Raise Additional Resources For Ebola’

Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara M. Konneh has concluded  constructive country-level discussions with the officials of the World Bank, IMF and other development partners aimed at mobilizing support for the government’s fight against the  Ebola epidemic.

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GoL pays health workers

The Authorities of the Ministry of Finance & Development Planning wish to inform the general public and our development partners that consistent with its PRESS RELEASE of October 8, 2014, health workers assigned in Ebola Treatment Units (ETU) are being paid their hazard pay for the month of September.

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MCC Commits to Liberia Post-Ebola Recovery

The Millennium Challenge Corporation has pledged its commitment to assisting the government of Liberia in supporting a post-Ebola Economic Stabilization and Recovery Plan.

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Dr. Kim Assures Liberia

World Bank President Dr. Jim Yong Kim says the world community was united with West Africa and Liberia in a concerted global effort to safeguard lives, noting “we are with you and will stand by you.”

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Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Amara Konneh departs Liberia for Washington DC

Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia’s Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Amara Konneh departs Liberia for Washington DC on Monday, 5th October, as part of a government delegation at the upcoming annual meetings of the World Bank and the IMF.

The high powered delegation which includes the Governor of the Central Bank of Liberia, Dr. Mills Jones,is expected to hold series of multilateral and bilateral discussions aimed at rallying support for the government’s

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  3378 Hits

GoL signs contracts with partners to fight EBOLA

Minister Konneh and Peter Graaff, WHO Country RepThe Government of Liberia has signed its first three groundbreaking contract agreements with key implementing partners for the US$52m Ebola Emergency Response operation that is intended to accelerate Liberia’s response to the Ebola epidemic across the country.

At the ceremony held at the newly established Ebola Crisis Response Center Thursday in Sinkor,

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World Bank's US$52m Boosts Liberia's Fight Against Ebola

WBsigningLiberia has signed a landmark grant agreement of about $52 million dollars with the World Bank to accelerate the government’s response to the Ebola epidemic in the country. 

The new grant is part of the US$200 million Ebola emergency mobilization first announced by the WBG in early August. The WBG said that its new Ebola Emergency Response project mobilized

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Liberia To Probe Misapplied EBOLA Funds

Liberia's Finance Minister Amara Konneh has disclosed that the government will prosecute people who misapplied funds intended to fight the deadly Ebola virus. In recent days, there has been accusation and counter accusations of officials of government managing funds intended to fight the disease, diverting those funds into their personal use.


  2202 Hits

MoF Dispels Malacious Rumor About Minister

amkspeaksThe Ministry of Finance and Development Planning wishes to dispel a very malicious and unfounded rumor circulating, that Minister Amara Konneh was tested and diagnosed positive of the deadly Ebola virus and currently in quarantine.
This rumor is untrue and has already been dismissed by authorities of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in Liberia. The Ministry insists that neither the Minister nor any Ministry officials have been quarantined, as being falsely rumored.

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MoF Announces Measures To Fight EBOLA

amkpicIn the wake of the rapid spread of the deadly Ebola virus and the recent untimely death of Mr. Patrick Sawyer, Coordinator of the ECOWAS National Unit at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, having contracted the virus, the Ministry wishes to announce the following measures to ensure public safety and instill confidence in users of services at the Ministry.
At the very highest level of the Ministry, all senior officials coming in direct or indirect contact with Mr. Sawyer have been placed on the prescribed 21 days observatory surveillance period starting July 20th, the day Mr. Sawyer departed the country for Nigeria.

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APRM gets new Interim CEO, as Organizational Restructuring Continues

aprmmeetingMonrovia July 7, 2014 – Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, former Prime Minister of Niger and Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD Agency, was on Friday, July 4th, 2014 installed as Interim Chief Executive Officer of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Secretariat, succeeding Mr. Assefa Shifa who held the post ad interim since 2008.


Presiding over the handover ceremony was Hon. Amara M. Konneh, Liberia’s Acting Minister of Finance and Development Planning and Chair of the Committee of APRM Focal Points, which directs the administration of the Mechanism.

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Minister Konneh Highlights Progress In Education Sector, But...

amkatbwiMinister Amara Konneh maintains that Liberia continues to make progress in improving the educational sector but that such feat remains slow and expenditure in the sector poorly prioritized. He warns: “We need to change that.”


According to Minister Konneh, the share of total spending on education in the national budget is low, at around 12%, although donors provide over half of spending in the sector.

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President Sirleaf Urges EBID to Open up Capital Portfolio to Non-Regional and Institutional Investors

pressirleaf thPresident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is calling on the Board of Governors of the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID) to open up capital portfolio to non-regional members and other institutional investors in the face of the slow payments of capital by regional members.

“The admission of non-regional members will enable EBID to contribute to the economic and social development of Member States through low interest loans,” the Liberian leader suggested adding, “With a larger membership, the Bank will be endowed with greater expertise, and the credibility of its partners would allow it to have access to the markets of non-regional Member States.”

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EBID Convenes for the 12th Ordinary Meeting of its Board of Governors

ecowas-nations-flagsFinance Ministers from the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS are converging on Monrovia for the convening of the 12th Ordinary Meeting of the Board of Governors of the ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development.

The one day summit, expected to attract fifteen Ministers of Finance or the proxies will take place on Monday, June 16th at the Royal Hotel in Sinkor, Monrovia.

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"Liberia Is Not Doomed" - MoF Debunks Newspaper Report

The Ministry of Finance is gravely concerned and disappointed with the New Republic Newspaper’s Tuesday, May 27, 2014 publication captioned: ‘’Liberia’s is doomed”, in which the paper attributed its story to Finance Minister Amara Konneh, suggesting that the Liberian economy was doomed.

The Ministry wants to state emphatically that at no time did Finance Minister Amara Konneh make such statement to the effect that the country was doomed due to the absence of new economic policy that will rescue the perishing and vulnerable economy in the country.

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Statement by the Minister of Finance on the Commitment of Public Funds

The Ministry of Finance has noted that some Ministries and Agencies may be committing the Government in Contractual obligations which are in excess of the appropriations authorized by the Legislature or without proper observation of the established procurement process, in contravention of the law.

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Latest Press Release

05 January 2015
Press Release
Monrovia, Liberia - The Ministry of Finance & Development Planning assures Liberians and our development partners that every measure is being taken to maintain macroeconomic stability, and ensure effective management of the economy during this di...
01 December 2014
Press Release
Monrovia, Liberia - World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim arrives in Liberia on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 to further strengthen the Bank’s continuing response to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Dr. Kim will meet President Ellen Johnson Sirlea...


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