We are indebted to various technical specialists participating in sector working groups and other multi-sectoral fora for the time and contributions to the formulation of the pillar goals and results framework. We also acknowledge the suggestions made by the private sector on moving the economy forward in the medium term. Many thanks to Civil Society Organization (CSO), faith-based organizations, youth organizations, women organizations, organizations of people with special needs, institutions of higher learning, the media and all other national institutions for unflinching support to this national effort.
We are very grateful to the United Nations system, the World Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Commission, the United States Agency for International Development, the Swedish Embassy, and all other international actors that provided technical and financial support during the PAPD formulation. Specifically, we want to acknowledge the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) for underwriting some of the cost, and for deploying technical assistance to support our experts.
We extend gratitude to the team at the Department of Budget and Planning, Department of Economic Management, Department of Administration, at the MFDP for the consolidated effort in driving the process and coming up with this National Development Plan. Finally, let me acknowledge the members of the special team that drew together this plan:
Mr. Melvin Crawford; Lead Program and Project Advisor
Mr Dehpue Zuo; Economist/Program Advisor
Ms. Re-Al Myers; Sustaining the Peace/Program Advisor
Mr. Teakon J. Williams; Governance/Program Advisor
Mr. Benedict Kolubah; Assistant Minister for Planning/National Coordinator
Hon. Samuel D. Tweah