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Who We Are (10)

Minister Kamar Madam Larisa Leshchenko 2According to a Ministry of finance and Development Planning release, the signing of the Regional Disease Surveillance Systems Enhancement (REDISSE2) Project will provide the needed opportunity for Liberia to operationalize lessons learned from the recent disease outbreak in Sinoe County.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 13:44


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MoFDP Chart Appointees1


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MoFDP Chart


The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning declares that resources have been secured through the Ebola Trust Fund to underwrite the cost of one-off payments to private school teachers.
According to a Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) release, all Private Schools are required to have accurate Personnel Payrolls Records for April 2014 and May 2014, and that of April 2015 and May 2015 at their institutions as auditors from the Internal Audit Agency (IAA), will visit schools premises anytime during the payment period.

Thursday, 24 July 2014 13:44

Mission & Vision

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To be a dynamic and efficiently managed institution of public finance, economic management and development planning to achieve sustainable economic growth and transformation.

The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) is established to promote inclusive, sustainable growth and development through:
• Efficient resource allocation
• Equitable wealth distribution
• Prudent financial management
• Integrated development planning
• Well coordinated economic management
• Formulation and implementation of sound fiscal and economic policies

Thursday, 24 July 2014 13:44

Core Values

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Transparency: Simply making information available is not sufficient to achieve transparency. At the MFDP, we act visibly, predictably and understandably to promote participation and accountability.

Accountability: We ensure that ALL individuals within the MFDP are answerable for all of their actions, and that there is redress when duties and commitment are not met.

Integrity: A strict adherence to moral and ethical principles is encouraged, with ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CORRUPTION!!!
Service orientation: Ensuring timely, courteous and customer-focused consistent delivery of services, the MFDP remains in icon of service delivery.

Effective Communication: The Ministry ensures an efficient and effective communication process where messages are delivered promptly in a well-articulated manner to the intended audiences.

Innovation: Harnessing new ideas, tools and technologies, the MFDP brings innovation and value to service delivery.

Commitment: The MFDP remains focused in ensuring that all of our employees work assiduously to promote the organization’s vision and mission.

Teamwork: The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.


Results Focused: At the MFDP, organizational goals and outcomes are best quantifiable in terms of the SMART (S=Simple, M=Measurable, A=Achievable, R=Relevant and T=Timely) approach.

Efficiency: A leaner and more efficient MFDP translates into productivity, and elimination of waste and abuse.


P. O. Box 10 - 9016
Broad & Mechlin Street
1000 Monrovia


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