3rd Quarter Public and publicly Guarantee Debt Management Report FY2024 (July 01 - September 30, 2024)
ECOWAS Regional Directives (3)/SA.3 Mutual Administrative Assistance on Tax
ECOWAS Regional Directives (3)/REG 4 Determining List of Exception
ECOWAS Regional Directives (3)/REG Amending the List of Categories of Goods
Administrative Regulation Surcharge
Four Pillars of the Pro-poor agenda for Prosperity and Development
July Monthly Debt Bulletin
Employee Handbook
Summary of Budget Preparation Calendar FY-2019/20
3rd Quarter Fiscal Outturn FY2017/18
2nd Quarter Fiscal Outturn FY2017/18
1st Quarter Fiscal Outturn FY2017/18
National Budget FY 2018/19
Renewing the Ambition that Drove Our Nation’s Founding an Oration Delivered By Samuel D. Tweah, Jr on the Occasion of the One Hundred and Seventy-First Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Liberia.
Address by Honourable Augustus J. Flomo Minister for Economic Management: "Ministerial Segment of the High-Level Political Forum On Sustainable Development, Convening Under The Auspices of the Economic and Social Council"
Ministry of Finance & Development Planning 2016 Annual Report
Transitional Turnover Note Ministry of Finance & Development Planning
P. O. Box 10 - 9016Broad & Mechlin Street1000 Monroviainfo@mfdp.gov.lr