By Admin on Tuesday, 30 April 2024
Category: Press Release

To Impact Lives of ECOWAS Citizens; Deputy Foreign Minister Dr. Nyei Wants Quick Win and Tangible Projects

Monrovia, Liberia - Liberia Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister for Regional Integration, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Bakri Nyei urged ECOWAS National Technical Committee to identify quick win and tangible projects that will impact lives of community citizens through the ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation Support Program (ECBCSP).

He made the remark as he official launch of the National Platform for the ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation Support program aimed at facilitating Free Movement and Migration within countries of the Mano River Union while representing the Government of Liberia on Monday April 29, 2024 at the ECOWAS Liberia Country Office first street Sinkor.

The objective of the launch is meant to strengthen Cross-Border Cooperation and foster joint development planning and actions, develop knowledge through capacity building, training, information, education, Communication (IEC) on the dynamics of cross-border cooperation, promote and consolidate Peace, Stability and development.

The National Platform for ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation Support Program will also support actions in the area of Management of Migration, free movement and regional security along with the full support and implementation of Social-Economic Development Initiative or local community development projects.

According to Dr. Nyei, ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation program will be one of the busiest boundary lines that will link Social Economic and Cultural Relation of citizens especially between two nations, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

He noted that the ARREST Agenda of President Boakia is in line with ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation that will foster peace and promote the Initiative of Cross-Border population in the stability and development.
‘’Going forward, let us put in place the Institutional Framework of various Member’s States Zones and the platform of key stakeholder and Member for full implementation of the cooperation’’. He explains

For her part, the ECOWAS Resident Representative to Liberia, Josephine Nkrumah who spoke on behalf of her boss, the Commissioner for Economic Affairs and Agriculture, thanked the Government of Liberia (GoL) for responding positively to the regional call to put in place a Technical Committee that will address migration and development issues at national level

She said the action is commendable, particularly supporting regional efforts aimed at promoting the effective application of ECOWAS’ protocol on free movement across borders.

She disclosed that the National Platform for the ECBCSP is a multi-sectoral development program that will work with border communities, national, local authorities and civil society to ensure social cohesion, regional construction and sustainable development.

The program will promote regional peace and security, manage migration and free movement projects that will empower community, citizens, strengthen cooperation, integration and development across borders.

The target beneficiaries of the ECBCSP include ECOWAS Member States, Border Management Agencies, Local Authorities, Municipalities, Multi-Country Cross-Border Cooperation Structures, Joint Commissions, Local NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, Women and Youth Groups, Media, and Media networks.

ECBCSP intervention will focus on Peace and security (conflict Prevention Management and Resolution) Migration, free movement and trade, south-south decentralized cooperation in sectorial area of development (Agriculture, Breeding, Environment and Natural Resources, Information, Education-Training and capacity building communication (IEC) Health, water and sanitation, energy, transport, tourism, culture and sports amongst others.

“In addition, our work is to ensure the National Platform is formed and creditable members of the Platform are well delegated and committed to the enhancement of the South Regional Integration.”

The ECBCSP is a Regional program that was developed via a decision of the Authority of heads of State and Government, decided in December and later taken to Nimamey in 2006 at its 29th ordinary session.

The implementation of the ECOWAS Cross-Border Cooperation Program is based on the provisions of the ECOWAS Revised Treaty, the Protocols on Free Movement of Persons, Goods, and Services; the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF); and the ECOWAS Common Approach on Migration, and related ECOWAS Common Migration Frameworks.

The Head of ECOWAS National office and Chairperson, Benedict D. Robert also thanked ECOWAS Commission for giving Liberia the opportunity again to set up a National Platform for ECBCSP. He extends warm greeting on behalf of Minister of Finance and Development, Mr. Boima S. Kamara.

The Launch was also attended by the head of ECOWAS National Office and Chairperson, Benedict Roberts, ECOWAS Resident Representative to Liberia, Josephine Nkrumah, National Platform Committee and team members from ECOWAS National Office