By Admin on Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Category: Press Release

Ministry of Finance appreciates outgoing AFDB Country Manager Dr. Benedict S. Kanu

Monrrovia - Liberia: The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning on Wednesday, held an appreciation program for outgoing African Development Bank Country Manager Dr. Benedict S. Kanu, for his remarkable and impactful work in Liberia.
Dr. Kanu served as the AfDB Country Manager for over four years, at which time he managed the AfDB country portfolio of over USD400M; of which USD300 million was on projects in the transportation sector, and USD100 million was on projects in the energy sector.
Making remarks, Liberia’s Chief Justice Her Honor Sie- A-Nyeneh Youh was full of praises for Dr. Kanu, stating that “he kept his word and promise to the Liberian judiciary.”
Chief Justice Youh said: “To find a personality who you can rely on his/her word is very rare, and we are looking for such kind of people in the legal profession.”
According to the Liberian Chief Justice, rebranding the judiciary through digitalization has been her top priority, and she was glad that some efforts have been made in that direction.
She told the outgoing AfDB country manager that “your impact has gone a long way. Thank you, the judiciary appreciates you”, Chief Justice Youh stressed.
In special remarks, Liberia’s Finance and Development Planning, Hon. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan termed Dr. Kanu a “Pan Africanist”, and an international civil servant who has served the AfDB with passion and dedication.
Minister Ngafuan, expressing delight with the impactful work carried out by the outgoing AfDB country manager, said “I can only wish you well for the lives you have touched, not only in Liberia, but everywhere you went.”
“I can testify everywhere about the lives you have touched and the work that you have done”, Minister Ngafuan said.
He said the country appreciates greatly the role of the AfDB in the country’s infrastructure and energy sectors.
The Liberian finance minister recalled that years ago, the AfDB was involved with Fish Town to Harper Road, and currently, they are still involved with projects that are transforming lives.
Minister Ngafuan also revealed that efforts have been made regarding the Buchanan to Cestos corridor and from Ganta to Gbarnga for development in the area of energy because the energy sector remains huge.
Moreover, he acknowledged the AfDB for its work in Liberia and stated that “What the AfDB has done is not only for the executive, but also the judiciary, and was pushed heavily by Dr. Kanu.
He told Dr. Kanu that whatever Liberia as a country can do to benefit from his wisdom, he should trust that the country will do so.
For his part, Dr. Benedict Kanu, providing a short history about the establishment of the African Development Bank, said that Liberia was one of the “brains” behind the Bank’s establishment.
“Liberia and the AfDB have come a long way, and Liberia was one of the first members. The AfDB started from a small operation in 1967 of 26 members, which has now grown to 54 members in Africa and 26 non-African members”, Dr. Kanu said.
The outgoing AfDB Country Manager termed his time of working in Liberia as “an exemplary stay and one that was “flawless.”
He expressed delight for the appreciation program held in his honor by the Minister of Finance saying that he was grateful, adding that he considers Liberia as his home.
“Liberia is home for me, when I get bored, I will drive to Liberia because we share many things in common, like food and some tribes”, Dr. Kanu added.