By Webmaster on Sunday, 11 November 2018
Category: Who We Are

Core Values

Transparency: Simply making information available is not sufficient to achieve transparency. At the MFDP, we act visibly, predictably and understandably to promote participation and accountability.

Accountability: We ensure that ALL individuals within the MFDP are answerable for all of their actions, and that there is redress when duties and commitment are not met.

Integrity: A strict adherence to moral and ethical principles is encouraged, with ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CORRUPTION!!!

Service orientation: Ensuring timely, courteous and customer-focused consistent delivery of services, the MFDP remains in icon of service delivery.

Effective Communication: The Ministry ensures an efficient and effective communication process where messages are delivered promptly in a well-articulated manner to the intended audiences.

Innovation: Harnessing new ideas, tools and technologies, the MFDP brings innovation and value to service delivery.

Commitment: The MFDP remains focused in ensuring that all of our employees work assiduously to promote the organization’s vision and mission.

Teamwork: The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.

Results Focused: At the MFDP, organizational goals and outcomes are best quantifiable in terms of the SMART (S=Simple, M=Measurable, A=Achievable, R=Relevant and T=Timely) approach.

Efficiency: A leaner and more efficient MFDP translates into productivity, and elimination of waste and abuse.