The unit is charged with the responsibility of dealing with all macroeconomic and financial sector reporting, briefing, and policy development. Macroeconomic issues include GDP estimates and forecasting, balance of payments, exchange rate, inflation management, monetary and credit trends, and, monetary policy. Financial sector issues include financial stability, financial sector development and access to finance, and other government policies that have a bearing on commercial banks, insurance companies or other aspects of the financial sector.

The unit regularly monitor trends in the areas of performing analysis and provide briefing, advice on policy matters, and liaise with the Central Bank, particularly regarding monetary and exchange rate issues, liquidity coordination, access to finance, and financial stability.

The unit also deal with capital markets including entry of foreign investors in these sectors. In consultation with the Central Bank of Liberia it will strive to put in place policies for a healthy and efficient financial sector and a transparent regulatory regime for the operating entities.