The economic policy unit drives the agenda for the country’s economic transformation. There are three sections within the unit of Economic Policy, namely: Domestic Economy section, External Sector section and Coordination section.

The Domestic Economy section

Focuses on issues unfolding in the manufacturing, industry, mining and infrastructure including production trends at the macro and sector level. In addition, the section liaises with investment regulatory bodies to analyze investment climate for both foreign and domestic investors.

The External sector section

Primarily monitors and review developments in the external sector of the economy, including foreign trade, remittances and balance of payments. In addition, the sector also focuses on policies regarding foreign direct investment (FDI).

The Coordination section

Basically deal with issues in relations to economic reforms, stakeholders’ coordination with bilateral and multilateral institutions. In addition, is responsible for the annual report containing analyses of performance on all sectors of the economy, and liaise with the Department of Development Planning on growth prospect and long term view of the economy.